Saturday 3 January 2015

Little_Lano Talks About: WarmaHordes in 2015

So, 2015 is the year my endeavours within WarmaHordes really takes off.  In 2014 I participated in a few tournaments with a few lists and I generally liked where I was going but I never took them very seriously.  I concentrated on Prime Thagrosh and Epic Vayl, although I almost exclusively played Thagrosh.  So within 2015, my first tournament being the Spring Masters SE Regionals, I'l be playing the 3 list format.  And i have been thinking over the holidays which three Warlock's i'l be playing.

At the moment, this is what I believe to be playing.  I'm going to try play with Warlocks that I normally don't play with.  Of the three I've chosen, I've only played Vayl2 properly before, and even then, I don't think I played her very well!

So let's take a look at what I have chosen.

List 1: Tier 0 (No Tier) 50pts
--Vayl, Disciple of Everblight (+6pts)
--Scythean 9pts
--Scythean 9pts
--Seraph 8pts
--Typhon 12pts
--The Forsaken 2pts
--Blackfrost Shard 5pts
--Max Spawning Vessel 3pts
--Max Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters 8pts

MY first list is Vayl1.  With the rise of Bradigus and Lucant, it's becoming ever more important to carry a list with some real punching power.  And there is none better than Vayl1 to do that.  Under Incite, Scytheans become MAT8 and POW19, and if the Blackfrost Shard hit their targets, it is effectively POW21.  She also has more movement shenanigans than Bradigus, but doesn't have the luxury of being as sturdy.  She's is very squishy but does have a few tricks to keep her alive.   I've proxied this list before, and where I am still undecided is the 10pts spent on Forsaken and th eHex Hunters.  I reckon I still need a unit available, and I could replace with Legionnaires and more support.
I think the Hex Hunters would function better for the better durability in DEF15, Stealth and the ability to nullify Special Attacks with their Hex Blasts.  Maybe, after a few competitive games, I'll make some more changes

List 2: Tier 4 (Machinations of Shadow) 50pts
--Vayl, Consul of Everblight (+6pts)
--Succubus 2pts
--Angelius 8pts
--Angelius 8pts
--Ravagore 9pts
--Ravagore 9pts
--Seraph 7pts
--Blighted Nyss Shepard 1pt
--Max Spawning Vessel 3pts
--Max Blighted Nyss Legionnaires 6pts
---Captain Farilor & Standard 3pts

List 2 sees me bring Vayl2 to the table.  Her epic incarnation sees her become, in my eyes, a much more well rounded caster, her arsenal of spells allows her to deal with a variety of problems and become a potent threat herself!  The only problem I have with my list here is the lack of Sorceress on Helion.  Her ability to allow the Angelii to charge for free is valuable as well as her pseudo wind wall ability!  But, there really isn't anything I'd want to drop in this list.  The Legionnaires are needed to clog charge lanes and contest, and to feed the Vessel, and help me with the board control.  I'll drop this list whenever I feel like I need a neutralised approach to a scenario.

List 3: Tier 0 (No Tier) 50pts
--Kallus, Wrath of Everblight (+5pts)
--Succubus 2pts
--Carnivean 11pts
--Max Blighted Nyss Legionnaires 6pts
---Captain Farilor & Standard 3pts
--Max Spawning Vessel 3pts
--Max Blighted Ogryn Warspears 8pts
---Warspear Chieftan 2pts
--Max Blighted Ogryn Warspears 8pts
---Warspear Chieftan 2pts
--Max Gatormen Posse 9pts
--Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew 1pt

KALLUS! I'm loving this guy.  I've had 2 games with him now, and he plays similar to how I play with Thagrosh.  Thagrosh will still be my favourite Warlock to play with, and it is fitting that I am going to playing his son in the upcoming year!  Yes, Thagrosh, the Ogryn, has a human(ish) son.  Between Dark Guidance, and Unconquerable he is a great support for Infantry Lists.  And the list i've taken with him is purely infantry.  
Where this list comes in, Is the Attrition game.  Thagrosh plays this game very well, Kallus though, wants to swamp you in models and slowly push you of zones and away from objectives.  
I'l be dropping this against other lists that want to spam the infantry at me.  So against lists like Kreoss2 and Troll Meat Mountains.  

So, let's see what 2015 will bring.  Let the Blight take over and control the Iron Kingdoms!

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