Tuesday 2 February 2016

Warhammer Fantasy January Update

If some people remember, this time last year I was gearing up for the new WarmaHorde competitive year, and what a year it was! Managed to get some top 10 places and I felt like I had a strong Everblight game along with some decent Thornfall experience. 

Fast forward to 2016, and I'm looking at more of a Warhammer Fantasy feel, and within a month, I think I've had more games of Fantasy than the last 3 years combined!

We started out with a brand new Fantasy Campaign. Having got a few people newly into the game, we felt that a campaign narrative would be best to help the game flow and for people to learn the rules!  It's a great hit, and RiotvilleonFire has a more comprehensive overview of the events!
True to Wargaming JuJu, my newly painted Skink Chief hero, Ixhua-Ekko, gets absolutely destroyed in every game... And has yet to finish a game still alive! 

With the addition of a new housemate to the household, we crack out Triumph and Treachery. This multiplayer format of fantasy has JUST the right mix of dickery and fuckery to keep Warhammer Fantasy gentlemanly! But the addition of the treachery cards really makes the game of alliances important! Luckily I had home advantage and I managed to keep bringing cups of tea to help "butter up" my "allies"!

January also saw myself really get back into painting. The Flamespyre Phoenix is the first miniature I bought after a 6 year break from gaming 3 years ago. Since then, it's been sitting patiently in the garage for a chance to be played. Triumph and Treachery allows me to take it as a mercenary for my Lizardman! My beautiful Phoenix finally gets an opportunity to take flight! The first photo above is how he looked after coming out of a dust covered hiatus, and the immediate above is the newer touch up paint job I've given him! He still needs a little more work, but I'm very please in how he's turning out.  I've decided that he needs a high elf army to accompany him, and so 2016 will be the year I enter a High Elf army into Armies on Parade!

I've decided to take a real amount of care into my High Elf army, I've even given the Phoenix a Koi Fish buddy! But I'm really enjoying spending my time painting some miniatures and spending time in given them the proper detail that lets the minaitures really stand out. 

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