Monday, 23 May 2016

Running with it: One man's inability to escape the clutches of Games Workshop: Warhammer Quest App

Ok they got me, I admit it, after the shambles of being force fed Age of Sogmar, and my denouncing of Warhammer 40k, Games Workshop have pulled me right back in with Warhammer Quest!

If you haven't seen our 24 hour painting endeavours, please check them here,

Well I wasn't too sure at the time, if it was the third can of Relentless or the 8th Spider Goblin I had to paint, but Riot and I came up with the idea of buying into Age of Sigmar and keeping a strict Khorne vs Tzeentch flavour going... 
If people know me at all, they know I have a complete distaste for AoS. It isn't the rule set, it was the destruction of one of the most beautifully crafted games and being forced fed "checkers for grown up" afterwards. People also know, I have a fondness for anything Khornate and red... So I have been looking at theKhorne  Bloodbound over the last few months and I can't deny the miniatures are beautiful. 

Anyway, as we came to grips with Warhammer Quest, my gamer nerd inside of me really wanted to invest SOMETHING into this game and saw you could play a Khornate Slaughterpriest! I thought at the time, that was an amazing concept, who better than an ace wielding maniac to rampage through a tower of scummy sorcerers! 

Which led me to the main point of this blog, the discovery of the Warhammer Quest App!

Games workshop are innovating! It's an amazing small app which helps track your characters progress and gives you access to more options. Meaning, that Savage Orc Warboss I bought last year will now have a place!

Of course, nothing comes free, including GamesWorkshop stuff! So while the main box contents are free, you do have to pay for each aditional hero you want to unlock. There is 37 more available Herod with 9 more Skill and Treasure cards. If bought separately, it's comes up to around £38 so the mega bundle for £19.99 is a no brainier. 

Unfortunately, I don't have £20 spare so I only bought another hero for now, but I'll hopefully have him ready for the next adventure in the Silver Tower!

I'll leave you with a taster of what's to come. 

*intentionally blurry*


  1. Funnily enough I found the warscrolls for the Tzeentch elements of the Warhammer Quest box set to play in AoS as a warband on the GW site yesterday. . . . . . and so the madness begins!

    1. Oh god it begins... Looks like I'm going on eBay later to find some cheap Khorne!
